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5 Reasons why you need an adjustable bed

Author imageThe Mattress Warehouse

When mentioning adjustable beds, most people used to think (and still think) about these beds as a tool to make the lives of primary caregivers and patients easier. However, in recent years, this all has changed.

Adjustable beds are no longer only good for the wellness industry. There are a lot of reasons why regularly-abled people are also fit to own one of these beds. 

adjustable bed with blue linen in a hospital room
What is the best adjustable bed on the market?

Being an expert in the mattress and bedding industry, The Mattress Warehouse also stock these type of beds. Consequently, we know who needs (or wants) these beds. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of why you should be considering an adjustable bed for yourself (and your partner).

Who benefits from an adjustable bed?

  1. Primary caregivers
  2. Creating the epitome of bedroom luxury
  3. Relieving medical conditions
  4. Moms-to-be or new moms
  5. Keeping the peace

1. Primary caregivers – offering assistance to those in need

As an obvious start, adjustable beds are great for making the lives of primary caregivers and those being cared for much easier. As mentioned previously, this is probably what these beds are known most for.

Taking care of a loved one or relative on a daily basis is most definitely a physically straining job. If you’re in this position, you know how hard it can be to lift dead weight between the bed, couch and wheelchair. 

However, this task can be made a lot simpler and easier with an adjustable bed. By moving the person into a more accessible, reclined position can not only help with mobility and moving, but also with daily activities such as eating and watching TV.

a set of young hands supporting an older person's hands
Adjustable beds help caregivers with their patients

2. The epitome of bedroom luxury

Another great reason for you to get yourself an adjustable bed is to experience the ultimate luxury in the bedroom. With an adjustable bed, the days of achieving comfort through scatter cushions are over!

Now you no longer have to prop yourself up on a wobbly stack of throw pillows when watching a movie from the bed. With your new adjustable bed, you’ll be able to recline yourself up and down with the press of a button!

Another great benefit of an adjustable bed for luxury is creating a “no-gravity” feeling when you sleep. This can be achieved by simply adjusting your electric bed’s headrest and foot-end so that both sides are slightly reclined. With your head and feet up in the air, you’ll get to experience the ultimate “no-gravity” rest and relaxation that is supposed to enhance sleep and sleep quality.

3. Providing relief for some health conditions 

Recliner beds can be perfect for those experiencing symptoms associated with body aches and pains as they provide comfort and relief for back pain and acid reflux, amongst others. 

Adjust your bed into the perfect reclining position to relieve your chronic back pain.

unidentified woman experiencing back pain
Relieve back pain with an adjustable bed

Acid reflux: By reclining yourself into an angle, gravity will most likely run its course in preventing acid reflux. Yay for no heartburn!

Snoring: It might be debatable whether or not this is an actual serious condition, but nonetheless. If you’re suffering from a snoring partner, an adjustable bed might be the perfect solution to your sawing-partner.

Colds and flu: Obviously you’re not going to buy an adjustable bed to relieve the discomfort of a 14-day illness. However, already having a recliner bed can be a lifesaver when the flu-season strikes. Simply adjust your bed’s recline to relieve the feeling of a stuffed head and blocked nose.

4. Moms-to-be or new Moms can finally get comfy

Growing a whole new human being has never been the easiest thing to do. Pregnancy takes more than its toll on your body, and you need the best rest to accommodate for that. There are many reasons why an electric adjustable bed is a perfect addition to the family!

Get perfect pressure relief. As we’ve mentioned before, pregnancy takes more than its fair share on your body. A long day feels even more endless when you can’t experience the satisfaction of a pressure-relieving bed. With an adjustable bed, you can set the recline to the perfect position to support your tired body after a long day.

It’s also worth mentioning that a remote control bed can save the day when it comes to pregnancy-related heartburn and indigestion!

pregnant woman sitting in bed
Expectant or new moms will love the versatility of an adjustable bed

Relieve swollen feet. On top of body aches, many women also experience uncomfortable swollen feet when they are pregnant. Setting your adjustable bed to the perfect elevation on the foot-end will allow some relief in this area as well.

After your baby is born, you may find your new adjustable bed will still save the day! 

As it turns out, breastfeeding (or feeding) is a long and tedious everyday routine. New moms can expect to be feeding their babies for large chunks of the day. Yes, you can sit on the couch with multiple cushions propped up behind your back, but is that really necessary when you have a bed that can recline into the perfect position? With the perfect support and help of an adjustable bed, you can comfortably feed your baby for hours on end!

5. Keeping the peace

Lastly, an electric bed is the perfect addition to keep the peace between you and your partner at night. A lot of couples can’t agree on the same comfort level, because their sleeping styles differ too much.

What’s more, the other one might get sick and stuff pillows under the mattress to elevate their head, but no one likes an unbalanced sleeper!

Therefore, to solve these issues, rather opt for a bed that can adjust to both your needs. Some adjustable beds come with adjustable mattresses, that can change comfort levels as you, and not your partner, please.

Got some more questions about adjustable beds?

If you might have any more questions about adjustable beds, what they are and how they work, feel free to pop on over to view the full range here

Also, if you can’t find all the answers to your questions there, feel free to contact one of our friendly sales team members; they’ll be more than happy to assist!

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